Life as a medical mom, personal style, thrifting, plants, and family.

Real Life, Lockhart Style

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Meet Rayel...

In April 2020, I became a mother to our sweet son, Arden. Though medical motherhood and disability parenting hasn't been easy, it has given me a sense of confidence and pushed me to share the real me with the world. I love being creative, sharing my outfits and inspiration, decorating my home for real life, and talking about our trials and tribulations as parents of a wonderfully made, medically complex little boy.

Our Little Family: Rayel, Brodi, & Arden

The Lockharts live on an acreage in Northern Alberta, Canada. Brodi works outside the home as a physiotherapist, and Rayel is a teacher, but is currently full-time caregiver and stay-at-home-mom for Arden.

I believe that every day that we are here should be celebrated and cherished. I strive to live a simple life filled with everything that creates happiness and fulfillment for me. Life comes with hardships, but every challenge presents us with an opportunity to grow and persevere. The universe never gives us more than we can handle. All seasons of life are important. It's up to you to see the beauty in every moment.


I want to hear from you!

Update: Arden’s (First) Pin Removal Trip

September 1, 2021

Last week we visited Edmonton because Arden was due to have the pins removed that were placed during his last surgery (for the correction of his bilateral vertical talus). Brodi had to work later into the evening on Tuesday night, and Arden’s pediatrician could only…

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Update: Pin Removal for Arden

August 23, 2021

We have a busy week ahead of us! Unfortunately for us, we’re already tired (haha). For the past 3 nights, we haven’t had any night care for Arden. Luckily, we have very dedicated night time caregivers who watch over Arden while we sleep. However, every…

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How We Treat Ourselves: Being Kind to the Person in the Mirror

August 21, 2021

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about how we treat ourselves. As women especially, we’re constantly thinking about all the ways in which we can be better.  Yes, a lot of that revolves around appearance. In the media and social media, we are constantly provided…

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Arden’s Superhero Tournament: Our Village Helps us Raise our Amazing Arden

August 19, 2021

This past weekend we had the MOST incredible Saturday. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it…we live in the most amazing community! On the weekend, our local golf course, Riverbend Golf and Country Club, hosted “Arden’s Superhero Tournament.” Chef Lisa and her crew created…

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Filling Up My Bucket: Focusing on What’s Important

August 13, 2021

There’s a phrase used in school that encourages young children to be “bucket fillers.” Essentially, the children’s book, Have You Filled a Bucket Today?, by Carol McCloud, encourages children to show love, kindness, and appreciation to others by helping to “fill their bucket” each day.…

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Happy Anniversary to My Love!

August 6, 2021

Yesterday Brodi and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary! We started dating in August of 2011, so this month also marks ten years that we’ve been together. We’re not big on gifts, so in our typical fashion, we spent the evening making a beautiful meal…

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Update: Arden is 15 Months Old! Milestones, Doctor’s Appointments, & Next Steps

July 29, 2021

Our amazing Arden is 15 months old today! It’s incredible how quickly the time has flown by! I often get caught up in the day to day, and fail to notice the giant leaps he’s taken throughout the months. But it’s so fun to look…

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Update: Arden’s Bilateral Vertical Talus Surgery

July 13, 2021

This week was a bit of a whirlwind and we’re definitely all playing catchup at the Lockhart house! You could say that all three of us are played out…especially Arden! However, we are so proud that our little man came through this most recent surgery…

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A Little Life Update: Banff Vacation, Motivation, and Arden’s Next Surgery

July 8, 2021

Mama’s Getaway to Banff This past weekend I experienced the most rejuvenating few days that I’ve had in a long time. I was able to have a 4 day getaway with three of my girlfriends in Banff, Alberta. It was just what I needed! I…

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Medical Mom Burn Out: Struggling to Self-Motivate

June 23, 2021

Lately I’ve been struggling to self-motivate. If anything, I’m feeling a little burnt out, and it’s hard to get back on track. Driving every week to the city for Arden’s casting appointments has kept us very busy. Every Saturday, I pack for us. Every Sunday,…

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