Update: Pin Removal for Arden

August 23, 2021

We have a busy week ahead of us! Unfortunately for us, we’re already tired (haha). For the past 3 nights, we haven’t had any night care for Arden. Luckily, we have very dedicated night time caregivers who watch over Arden while we sleep. However, every once in a while, unavailable times overlap, and then Brodi and I take shifts to watch Arden. Because he’s more of a night owl and I like my mornings, he takes the “night shift” and I get up early when he’s ready for bed. This morning, that meant that I got up at 2:45AM. Brodi has to work in the morning, so he’ll be tired as well! My mom will come to help me so that I might have a little nap later in the morning, and I’m very grateful for that! 

On Wednesday we’ll visit Arden’s pediatrician in the city and then on Thursday August 26 he’ll have surgery to remove the pins that were placed in his ankles by the orthopedic surgeon when he had the procedure to correct his bilateral vertical talus. Since that surgery (On July 9) Arden’s legs have been in casts. We’re so excited for the casts to come off so that he can have real baths again! 

The pin removal procedure is technically a day surgery, but because Arden is trach-vented, they will admit him for at least a one night stay at the hospital so that he can be closely monitored after being under anesthetic. They will also ensure that any pain he may be experiencing will be well managed before we go home. 

This next procedure will be one of the least invasive that Arden has experienced, but I still worry. I don’t think my mama heart will ever become “used to” sending my boy into surgery, even though there are many more procedures in his future. However, knowing that we’ll all be together as a family comforts me. 

We’re looking forward to seeing the progress that Arden makes after this next step is complete! 

XO, Rayel


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