A Little Life Update: Banff Vacation, Motivation, and Arden’s Next Surgery

July 8, 2021
Mama’s Getaway to Banff

This past weekend I experienced the most rejuvenating few days that I’ve had in a long time. I was able to have a 4 day getaway with three of my girlfriends in Banff, Alberta. It was just what I needed! I had driven through Banff many times, but surprisingly enough, had never actually stayed in the town. This short trip was exactly what I needed! After a few weeks of feeling somewhat unmotivated and “blah” for lack of a better term, I returned home on Sunday feeling like my spirit had been rekindled.

On Thursday when we arrived in Banff, it was as if covid-19 had never existed. Alberta’s “Open for Summer” phase kicked off that day (July 1 – Canada Day) and most restrictions were lifted. It was strange to see people going in and out of stores without masks, and people lining up for live music, not for social distancing purposes. That night we were able to relax on a patio at Park Distillery, Restaurant and Bar. We sipped on a few beverages and kicked off our weekend with gratitude for good friends and uniquely created cocktails. I had a drink called “Sunshine Meadows,” and it did not disappoint!

Later Thursday evening we headed down the street to the Rose and Crown pub, where we were met by a jam-packed room and live music! After months of no concerts or large public gatherings, it was surprising and exciting to see everyone out and about.

On Friday morning we took a drive out to Johnston Canyon where we completed a short hike to see the upper falls. With covid restrictions very newly lifted, I had assumed it might be less busy, but I was definitely wrong. The trails were packed with people and we were vying for views with everyone else. However, it is definitely worth it to see the beauty that we have in our own backyard here in Alberta! The river, vegetation, rock formations, and waterfalls were all stunning.

Later on Friday we did a bit of shopping and browsing around Banff. I purchased a beautiful new hat and dress from a boutique called Cabin 108 that I couldn’t wait to wear!

That evening we went for a cocktail at the scenic Fairmont Banff. We sat on the terrace overlooking the river and it was lovely. After that we headed to The Bison for supper, where the four of us shared a bottle of their Wild Goose Gerwurztraminer. This farm to table restaurant had the most artfully crafted dishes! Every bite was savoured, but my favourite dish of the night was the Beet Salad.

Later that night we were again able to go out and enjoy some music and dancing at one of Banff’s worst kept secrets, Melissa’s Missteak. By day this establishment is a family steakhouse. By night however, it transforms into a full-blown dance club, complete with DJ and multiple bars. I will admit that we felt a little out of place in the younger crowd, but it was still a lot of fun to let loose and dance with my girls.

On Saturday we took the sort drive up to the base of Sulphur Mountain, where we embarked on a ride up on the Banff Gondola. Once at the top, we were able to look out at the town of Banff and surrounding scenery. We walked up the wooden steps to the peak of the mountain that once housed a weather observatory for early scientists in the area. I’ll admit there was some smoke blowing in from the NorthEast caused by wildfires in B.C., and that did impact the view in that direction. But we were still able to enjoy most of the scenery from our vantage point.

On Saturday evening we had dinner at Farm and Fire restaurant where we dined off of a menu designed for friends to share entrees. It was delicious!

Feeling Rejuvenated

This week began with some anxious feelings, but also some feelings of motivation. I returned from my weekend getaway feeling completely rejuvenated. The 3 and a half days that I spent in Banff was the longest time that I’ve ever been away from Arden. Actually, before now, I had never been away from him for 24 hours. It was a big step. I knew that I would miss him immensely, and I did. But I also had a wonderful time rediscovering some of my own interests again, and taking time to feel like me again. A few tears were shed in the evenings when I was missing my baby, but I think that taking care of myself was the right choice. Arden had a wonderful boys weekend with Brodi, and was able to spend lots of time with our family.

On Monday, I felt a new sense of motivation, and was excited to get our house tidied and organized. Chores didn’t seem so bad, and the lull that I had been in the week before seemed to disappear. In fact, on Tuesday my mom and a friend visited, and I was convinced to “Marie Kondo” our home, by folding and storing everything in more efficient ways. It began with only the tea towels in the kitchen…but it definitely spread quickly. More to come on that later… (haha).

Arden’s Next Surgery

Over the past 6 weeks, we have been traveling to Edmonton once per week in order to get serial casting done for Arden’s bilateral vertical talus. Essentially, Arden’s feet point up and outward, and we need to correct that in order for him to have more functional movement. The casting has worked well to reposition his feet, and now he requires surgery to help complete the process. On Friday July 9, he will have a procedure done to put pins in his feet and ankles to secure in place the progress that has been made with the serial casting.

Arden’s 1st Surgery at One Week Old – Diaphragm Plication

This surgery is actually taking place a lot sooner than we anticipated. Initially, we were told that Arden would require 6-8 sets of casts to position his feet. He had only just completed the 5th set when I received a call from our orthopaedic surgeon’s assistant to let us know the surgery had been scheduled for this week.

Tomorrow we will go into the hospital for a pre-operation admissions clinic. I’ve been informed that the appointment will take anywhere from 1-3 hours. Covid restrictions have changed outside of the hospital, but for now, everything remains the same inside the Stollery Children’s Hospital. For tomorrow’s appointment, only one parent will be allowed to attend with Arden.

Arden and Brodi in Our Greenhouse

On the day of surgery, we are crossing our fingers that we will both be allowed in. For the most part during covid, only one parent has been allowed in for most surgeries and appointments, unless the child is being officially admitted for a number of days. Because Arden’s surgery will technically be “day surgery,” we are unsure what the protocol will be. I am praying that I will not have to walk my baby to another surgery by myself.

Naturally, I have been having a lot of emotions surrounding this next surgery. This will be Arden’s 3rd. And although it will likely take a lot less recovery time, and will hopefully be less straining on our sweet boy, I still worry. I know that Arden is going to power through and do wonderful. But on Friday when I watch him be wheeled away by an anesthesiologist, a nurse, and a surgeon, I know that my heart will hurt. I’ll likely pace and tear up and slather myself in some essential oil crap to pretend I’m fine. Read my affirmations and hold Brodi’s hand, if possible. I’ll worry, because that’s what mommas do.

Arden loves spending time outside on off-vent trials

But I know all will be well. This is just a stepping stone in Arden’s development, and greater things are on the horizon. I can’t wait to see how this next change helps our boy to move and grow. He truly is the definition of resilience. With every hurdle that Arden has experienced, he has taken his time, and then bounced back to be stronger than ever. In no time, his sweet smile will return and he’ll be ready to show us his best self.

Deep breaths, we got this!

XO, Rayel

2 responses to “A Little Life Update: Banff Vacation, Motivation, and Arden’s Next Surgery”

  1. Rayel says:

    Edit: this will be Arden’s 4th surgery

  2. Lucille says:

    good for you…and the weekend was lovely the sun shine…wonderful…such a courageous little one…Arden is progressing and love that he’s sitting up…the joy of him …the sun shine on him and his cute cheeks…just love them…something about baby cheeks gramma’s and other go crazy over can’t wait to meet him….


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