It’s a Lockhart Christmas 2021

December 30, 2021

The past week seems like it has been busy, yet also simultaneously relaxing and rejuvenating. Christmas came and went as quickly as it always does, but this year, we had the biggest reason to soak up every moment of joy. This year was Arden’s second Christmas at home, and it was so sweet to see how his reactions to the festivities have grown and changed.

Although the rest of the world has pretty much had it with the C word, Covid is still very much a concern in our household. We’re still doing everything we can to protect Arden, including limiting his interactions, having others wear masks around him, and ensuring that anyone who does interact with him is healthy. But this year, we knew we wanted to celebrate Christmas with our family, so we did so in the safest ways possible.

As is the annual tradition, we spent Christmas eve at the Lockhart residence (Brodi’s parents’ house). Usually we have a fire outside and Arden’s cousins do tobogganing in the valley, but this year it was around -35C, so no one was venturing outside for much other than ensuring their vehicle would still run. We had the most wonderful evening visiting, eating great food, and watching the kids open their presents. Arden absolutely loves watching his cousins play and interact!

On Christmas Day, we usually spend the day at my parents’ house. However, this year we decided it would be much less complicated for us if we were to host Christmas at our house. Aside from the mayhem of everyone in the kitchen during the cooking of our Christmas meal, it did turn out to be one of the most relaxing Christmases I could imagine.

Arden took a while, but this year he really got into opening presents. At first, he was just enamoured by the pictures on the wrapping paper…he loves his picture books after all! But after a few presents were opened, he realised that there were exciting things under that paper! It was so great to see him enjoying the day; snuggling with his grandpa, being carried around the house to see what everyone was doing, and playing with everything in sight. 

The time in between Christmas and New Year’s Eve (tomorrow already!) has been relaxing, yet also productive. Brodi is off work until next week, so we’ve had a lot of time to lounge around and play as a family. This week Brodi also started building cabinets in our laundry room, so the house is a little bit under-construction. I took down all of our Christmas decorations yesterday, and after all those bins are put away, it will feel great to have our house become a clean slate again. 

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your family! Happy New Years! 

XO, Rayel


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