Intentions for 2022

January 4, 2022

I’ve never believed in New Year’s resolutions. I always thought they were a farce. People make them up and they usually stop following them before the first month of the year is even out. By “people”…I mean me! However, something about 2022 feels like a bit of a fresh start, and I’m ready to set some intentions and goals that will help to set me on a healthier path. I know that when my mental and physical health is in a better state, the time I spend with others is also more valuable. So this January, I’m focusing on my own self care. 

  1. Treat my body better. I want to feed her healthier food and a lot more water. I want to speak to her kindly and encourage her like I would with a good friend. Even when it’s cold and we’re stranded inside for days on end, I want to move and do something that works up a bit of a sweat. All of these things not only help my physical health, but they contribute significantly to better mental and emotional health as well. 
  1. Commit to my “hobbies.” I never take my interests seriously, because something about that feels frivolous. Like, “How can it be that important if it doesn’t earn me an income?” I am also often plagued by how others might perceive my interests. But I need to shake that self-talk. I need to do the things that I love…simply because I love them. 
  1. Get outside more: This one’s a hard one especially in winter because I am usually the only one watching Arden during the day because Brodi is at work. Arden can’t go outside when it’s too cold because it makes his secretions so much thicker which makes it so much harder for him to breathe…with or without his ventilator. However, when Brodi is home, I need to ask for help so that I can go outside. I love nature, and I love the outdoors, and it nourishes my soul. I am allowed to take that break, and Brodi is more than willing to play with Arden when I need that time! 
  1. Get up earlier. I sincerely love mornings. I used to be much more of a morning person. Brodi is a night owl, so trying to find a balance with that can be hard for me. I feel better when I go to bed early and do my important tasks in the morning. When I was teaching, I would usually arrive at the school between 7-7:30AM. Most of my best planning happened in the morning when my mind was fresh and I wasn’t tired after a long day. I also now really enjoy writing in the mornings, so I’d love to capitalise on that time when Arden is still asleep. 
  1. Book appointments for myself. Dentist, doctor, hair, etc. Although I love dressing up and doing my makeup, you’d probably never guess that I only visit the hairdresser 1-2 times per year, and I can’t even remember the last time that I went to the dentist. Awful, I know! I was always bad at taking time away from work to schedule appointments for myself, and now I am bad at taking time away from Arden to look after myself. This is definitely something that I hope to improve in 2022! 

These are some of my intentions to start off this year on the right foot! What are some of your goals for 2022?

XO, Rayel


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