Small Home Living with a Medically Complex Toddler

November 13, 2021

Over the past year, our house has become a lot more crowded. We live in a small home to begin with, and filling our space with Arden’s equipment and toys definitely causes us to live in closer quarters. But I wouldn’t change that for anything. Our home is cozy, comforting, and completely inspired by our personalities and interests. It’s a place that wraps our little family in familiarity and love, and if we had the opportunity to have a bigger home, we wouldn’t take it. 

On social media, we often see pictures of peoples’ highlight reel. It’s not fake, it’s just the way in which a person chooses to share themself with the world. When we take pictures of Arden, a lot of the time his medical equipment is cropped out or pushed to the side. Sure, that equipment can be cumbersome and unattractive, but I don’t hide it out of the picture because of shame or because I hate how it looks. It’s because I want the focus to be on Arden. Although Arden requires this equipment to live at home, it doesn’t define who he is. I believe that his personality defines his beautiful little character. And boy does he have personality! 

Arden’s medical equipment has just become a part of our decor. Sometimes it frustrates me that we have so much more “stuff” in our house, and it can easily become cluttered. But I try not to see it as an eyesore, because it’s what keeps Arden healthy and happy at home. And for that, we love it. 

Next month, we will have enjoyed one whole year at home with our sweet boy. Arden’s 7.5 month stay in the hospital still feels very fresh in my mind. He grew and overcame so much during that time, but nothing compares to the healing factors of home. Within this little house of ours, Arden has grown and changed in ways that we didn’t even know were possible. Sure, he may not easily be able to have playdates or go to a park, but there are so many wonderful experiences that we can bring to him inside our home. 

Especially with COVID-19, the options of where we can take Arden are limited. But I’m so grateful for our little house and our big yard. We have so much to explore with our little guy, and the medical equipment just gets toted along with us. Now that it’s winter time, we don’t get outside as much as I would like, so we’re finding ways to create fun inside the house. My parents recently purchased a jolly jumper for Arden, and he has a walker that we pull him around in for fun when he’s on his off-vent trials. 

We have found many nooks and crannies to tuck medical supplies and equipment into, but I’ve learned to accept that a lot of Arden’s “stuff” is just going to be out on display most of the time, and that’s okay. I try to keep a tidy home, but there are some things that I just need to let go of. Arden likely won’t remember a home that was perfectly tidy, but he will hopefully know the feeling of joy and fun that was had in our little house. 

I am so happy to live in a small home that’s filled with BIG love! 

XO, Rayel

Arden & his vent. We also require his suction, emergency trach kit, diaper bag, and bagger (at the minimum!) to go anywhere.

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