Having a House Plant Home: My Therapy

May 12, 2021

I’ve found that since we arrived home with Arden in December, our home has become more of a sanctuary than it ever was before. Of course, a lot of the reason for this is that I am in our house A LOT. One of us needs to be home with Arden at all times, so when Brodi goes to work, Arden and I are at home. I used to think that I would love being a stay at home mom, and I definitely do love it now. My days are busier than I ever thought they would be, and at the end of most days, I still have the satisfaction of putting in a good day at work.

The only difference from my day, and a day at “work,” is that I don’t get any breaks. Our night time caregivers are here from 10PM until 8AM, which is a huge blessing. It means that Brodi and I are able to get a good sleep, and still have a couple hours to spend before bed in the evenings. But from 8AM to 10PM every day, I am ON. I’m alert and ready to attend to Arden’s every need. Just like with any mom, everything else comes second to his needs.

I absolutely love my job as Arden’s mom. I’m in a position where I get to be a part of every big moment, every milestone, and all the little joys in between. Despite all the things that make are day more complicated than what is “typical,” we also have a lot of fun. I wouldn’t change it for the world, because I know how lucky I am. But I still need moments of joy for myself to maintain my sanity.

Lately those moments have come in the form of tending to my houseplants. To me, house plants are the most beautiful form of home decor. I’ve always considered myself a little bit eclectic, and I love the way that houseplants fill up a space in a way that is unique, a little disorderly, and full of life. Something about nurturing these domestic plants inside our home manages to make me feel closer to nature.

In the past, I have definitely felt most at peace when I feel connected to nature. Brodi and I spent many weekends at our family’s trap line, winter or summer, where I would find joy in exploring different native plant species, researching their uses, and breathing in the fresh scent of trees all around us. Now that those trips aren’t possible, I like to find little ways to reconnect with nature. Just yesterday, I took Arden for a short walk around the yard while he was on an “off-vent trial.” We walked along the spruce trees and took a peek inside our little greenhouse. When leaving the house isn’t possible, I like to feel that I still have that nature connection.

I have definitely developed a bit of a house plant addiction. I will admit that my “dealer,” lives just down the road (Riverside Greenhouses), so my cravings are easily satisfied (haha). But I won’t apologize for this love. It’s what keeps me sane when I’m unable to leave our house/yard for days on end.

There’s something about tending to our plants, that makes me feel like I still have that connection to nature. That somehow, even in our isolation, we’re connected to the rest of the universe in a small way. It makes me feel as if I’m still able to put good energy into the world, even when I’m not making contact with other people throughout the day.

I truly believe that whether we’re aware of it or not, all living things are connected in some way or another. I believe that the flow of energy is continuous, and that small things done with great love really can bring little pockets of peace to an otherwise chaotic world.

On a smaller scale, my plants just bring me personal satisfaction. They brighten our home and bring it to life. They fill corners and shelves with colour. And no matter how many we collect, plants never feel like clutter or junk to me. To me, they’re home decor with a greater purpose. They’re things that I can take little moments to tend to, even when I’m caring for Arden. Plants are my therapy, and it’s an investment that continually brings me joy.

XO, Rayel


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