Arden’s Superhero Tournament: Our Village Helps us Raise our Amazing Arden

August 19, 2021

This past weekend we had the MOST incredible Saturday. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it…we live in the most amazing community! On the weekend, our local golf course, Riverbend Golf and Country Club, hosted “Arden’s Superhero Tournament.” Chef Lisa and her crew created a 9-hole golf tournament filled with fun activities in honour of our amazing Arden. The day was intended as a fun way to raise funds for our sweet boy, and it was truly a beautiful experience. 

Just to get a glimpse of how supportive our community is, when this event was posted, the number of teams able to enter would be limited. That said, the event filled up with teams in less than 24 hours! 

Although it was an insanely windy day, the weather did not deter anyone. Teams arrived, decorated their golf carts, sported “Arden’s Super Hero Squad” t-shirts, and set off to enjoy the various holes on the course. Each hole was sponsored, and there were drinks, donuts, and other fun activities along the way. A silent auction and raffle were held, all with items donated by wonderful people in our community, from family and friends, to local businesses. Chef Lisa put on a beautiful supper for everyone. 

During the afternoon, we were able to take Arden for a golf cart tour around the course to visit all of the teams. Although Arden meeting so many new people made me incredibly nervous, it was so nice to be able to show him off the way new* moms typically do (*I’m not a new mom…but sometimes it feels like some of those “new mom” moments have been put on hold for us). After a couple hours of visiting, Arden was played right out and needed to return home for an afternoon nap…thank goodness the course is so close to our house! 

After Arden’s nap, he scared Brodi and I by having a big coughing/suctioning spell and a GIANT desat*. (*A desat is when Arden’s oxygen saturation in his body goes dangerously low. We regularly monitor this, along with his heart rate, with an oximeter). After months of him being SO stable, Arden needed to be bagged* in order to recover. (*“Bagging” is when we need to use a manual resuscitation device to ventilate Arden because his breathing is insufficient). In this instance, Arden could not catch his breath, and he turned blue. Luckily, Arden quickly recovered, and was ready to play again within a couple minutes. However, my mama heart was not so quick to recuperate. We returned to the golf course for supper and I was nervous, to say the least. 

Supper at the course was fabulous. As usual, Chef Lisa put on the most incredible spread. Even the wind died down briefly so that many people could enjoy their meals outside on the patio. Following supper, we had the honour of drawing the raffle prizes, and the winners of the silent auction were announced by Lisa and her team. 

The money raised was overwhelming. We know that these funds will help us immensely with our regular travels to the city for Arden’s medical needs, and will provide support as he grows and requires new equipment. Having a medically complex little one can be an expensive endeavor, and we’re so very lucky to be supported by so many wonderful people. 

As I said on the weekend, there were many times throughout Arden’s hospital journey last year, where it was suggested that we should relocate. A few of our medical professionals thought it would be much easier if we lived closer to the city. It might be, but we had no intention of changing our location. Our family, friends, and community are all here, and we’re right where we need to be. Those who love us understand our needs, they understand who we are, and they’re there to show us that no matter what life throws our way, they’ll be there to lend an ear or share support. Sharing Arden with the community can be scary sometimes, but I know that our village is helping us to raise our sweet boy in so many ways. The other day, a friend of ours said to her toddler-aged son, “God makes everyone unique and special right?” after I explained some of Arden’s equipment to him. I appreciated those words so much. I like to believe that it’s those unique qualities that bring us all together in the fabric of our community. Every individual is helping to make this the best place for us to be. We know that our little superhero is right where he needs to be!

XO, Rayel 

Some more thank-yous…

It will take me a lifetime of expressing gratitude to show all the incredible people in our lives just how thankful we are for everything. However, I also wanted to give a special thanks to other individuals and businesses who have helped to raise funds for our amazing Arden. 

*Cathie Weller, Elle Hair Design & Art for Amazing Arden

*Around the Block Quilt Shop & Art for Amazing Arden 

*The Prairie Gringa Co. 

*Riverside Greenhouses 

And to the many individuals who helped us adjust to life with our sweet boy, we are forever grateful! Thank you to everyone who sent gifts and gift cards when Arden was in the hospital, participated in our meal train when we arrived home, and checked in on us to provide well wishes even when covid kept us apart. You are all SO appreciated.


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