Living in the Living Room

March 20, 2021

The past couple days, I feel like I’ve hardly left our living room. It’s where we usually situate Arden and it allows access for all of his toys and equipment. I honestly think he’s trying to sprout an eighth tooth! For 3 days now, he’s been drooling like crazy, and his secretions have increased in volume and thickness. Both usually signs that he is teething. Luckily, he has still been the happiest boy ever. But it also means that throughout the day, I’m having to suction him almost every 5 minutes on average. It definitely changes how the day plays out when I can’t leave his side for more than a couple minutes at a time. So, we’ve been hunkered down in the living room, playing and enjoying the arrival of spring (from indoors) as much as we can.

Last year Brodi installed a door from our living room to our back deck with a full length window. That door/window has been our saviour this year. Even when it’s too much to switch over and carry everything outside for Arden, we can crack open that door to get some fresh air and sunlight. I think it’s been great for both of our spirits. This week Arden and I and our two dogs, Lexi and Leo, have been soaking up the sun.

Today is the first official day of spring and I’m so ready! Brodi and Arden are going to have some boys time while I head into town to run a few errands this morning. I find that it’s so healthy and rejuvenating just for me to step away from home for a couple hours each week. All the little things have certainly become the big things, and that’s what brings something special to every day.

Happy Saturday everyone!

XO, Rayel


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