Update: Arden no Longer Requires Heart Medication!

March 23, 2021

Yesterday I spoke with Arden’s cardiologist at the Stollery, and his most recent holter monitor looked great! There were no signs of ectopic atrial tachycardia. She is confident that he is no longer experiencing those irregular spikes in heart rate. Therefore, as of yesterday, he is no longer required to take his propanolol. That’s three times per day that he no longer has to receive medication! Arden is still on omeprazole (for reflux) and supplements of Vitamin D and Iron…but that’s it!

The cardiologist said that there is a chance that he could experience “rebound tachycardia,” meaning he could have a few heart rate spikes once the medication wears off. So we will watch for that. But of course, we will be continuously monitoring his heart rate on his oximeter like usual anyways. If there are any concerns, we can always contact cardiology.

We will repeat an ECG and holter monitor in one month’s time to ensure that all is going well, but otherwise, we will not have to see the cardiologist for another 6 months. Woohoo!

XO, Rayel

4 responses to “Update: Arden no Longer Requires Heart Medication!”

  1. pat and dan evanoff says:

    such goood news for arden///he is a very happy baby. love his smiles. have a great day///

  2. DawnMarie says:

    His big smile is coming right from his heart!

  3. Bonnie says:

    This is such great news for our Amazing Arden! ❤️

  4. rayellockhart says:

    Thanks guys! <3


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