Life as a medical mom, personal style, thrifting, plants, and family.

Real Life, Lockhart Style

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Meet Rayel...

In April 2020, I became a mother to our sweet son, Arden. Though medical motherhood and disability parenting hasn't been easy, it has given me a sense of confidence and pushed me to share the real me with the world. I love being creative, sharing my outfits and inspiration, decorating my home for real life, and talking about our trials and tribulations as parents of a wonderfully made, medically complex little boy.

Our Little Family: Rayel, Brodi, & Arden

The Lockharts live on an acreage in Northern Alberta, Canada. Brodi works outside the home as a physiotherapist, and Rayel is a teacher, but is currently full-time caregiver and stay-at-home-mom for Arden.

I believe that every day that we are here should be celebrated and cherished. I strive to live a simple life filled with everything that creates happiness and fulfillment for me. Life comes with hardships, but every challenge presents us with an opportunity to grow and persevere. The universe never gives us more than we can handle. All seasons of life are important. It's up to you to see the beauty in every moment.


I want to hear from you!

Tomorrow I’ll Turn 30

June 18, 2021

Tomorrow I’ll turn 30. And in the midst of a group of friends who have been dreading this year, I am standing here, ready to welcome 30 with open arms. In my family, aging has always been celebrated. Not with extravagant parties or lavish gifts,…

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Crying Over Spilled Milk: Even Ridiculous Days Can End in a Little Joy and a Little Laughter

June 14, 2021

Last week I had one of those days when every little thing goes wrong. It’s not a bad day. Just a day when small events seem to pile up in a way that becomes overwhelming.  I will honestly say that since Arden was born, I’ve…

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Arden Update: May Medical Appointments

June 2, 2021

This past weekend we made a trip out to the city, where we spent 3 nights in order to fit in multiple medical appointments for Arden. I will admit that now that we’ve done this a few times, the trip itself seemed a lot smoother.…

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Busy Week and a Little Arden Update

May 26, 2021

This week is fairly busy, so I thought that I’d give a little Arden update while I have the chance!  Arden has been teething. Honestly, I can’t remember a time when he wasn’t trying to push out a tooth or two. It seems like this…

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Vlog Q&A: Help Me Out!

May 25, 2021

I’m sure a lot of you have already noticed, but I’ve been working on expanding my blog into a vlog on my YouTube channel, also titled It’s a Lockhart Life. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed sharing through writing, but there are some things that need to be…

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I’ve Got a Pocket Full of Joy

May 19, 2021

I don’t know how, but the other day the topic of scooters came up. And I remembered how when we were in the hospital with Arden, the scooters in Edmonton brought me so much joy. The day after Arden got his trach, I had demanded…

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Having a House Plant Home: My Therapy

May 12, 2021

I’ve found that since we arrived home with Arden in December, our home has become more of a sanctuary than it ever was before. Of course, a lot of the reason for this is that I am in our house A LOT. One of us…

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Mother’s Day: Celebrating all the Magical Mamas

May 9, 2021

I can truly say that I have been so excited for this Mother’s Day. On this, my second Mother’s Day, I will relax in the comfort of my own home. I will slowly drink coffee from my own favourite mug, and enjoy the delicious belgian…

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Arden is ONE!

May 3, 2021

I can’t believe our sweet boy is ONE year old! It’s incredible how this year has passed. When we were in the hospital, it seemed as if time stood still. All the hours and days passed slowly, as we waited and prayed to be able…

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A Letter to my Sweet Boy on his 1st Birthday

April 29, 2021

*This letter was written on August 12, 2020. Arden had gotten his tracheostomy procedure the week prior, and was still sedated most of the time for recovery purposes. I was struggling as I watched him go through this time, and I wanted him to know…

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