Life as a medical mom, personal style, thrifting, plants, and family.

Real Life, Lockhart Style

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Meet Rayel...

In April 2020, I became a mother to our sweet son, Arden. Though medical motherhood and disability parenting hasn't been easy, it has given me a sense of confidence and pushed me to share the real me with the world. I love being creative, sharing my outfits and inspiration, decorating my home for real life, and talking about our trials and tribulations as parents of a wonderfully made, medically complex little boy.

Our Little Family: Rayel, Brodi, & Arden

The Lockharts live on an acreage in Northern Alberta, Canada. Brodi works outside the home as a physiotherapist, and Rayel is a teacher, but is currently full-time caregiver and stay-at-home-mom for Arden.

I believe that every day that we are here should be celebrated and cherished. I strive to live a simple life filled with everything that creates happiness and fulfillment for me. Life comes with hardships, but every challenge presents us with an opportunity to grow and persevere. The universe never gives us more than we can handle. All seasons of life are important. It's up to you to see the beauty in every moment.


I want to hear from you!

Another Trip to Edmonton and Arden’s First NHL Game

March 10, 2022

Last week we ventured into the city once more, and as usual, we had multiple reasons for being there. However, unlike most of our trips to Edmonton, this one was mostly spent enjoying time with friends and having a new experience just for fun! On…

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February ’22 Trip to Edmonton & What’s Next

February 8, 2022

Last week we had our first medical trip of 2022 to the city. Luckily for us, December and January were left open and we didn’t have to make any trips down. We were able to enjoy a very long holiday season without interruption. It was…

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Intentions for 2022

January 4, 2022

I’ve never believed in New Year’s resolutions. I always thought they were a farce. People make them up and they usually stop following them before the first month of the year is even out. By “people”…I mean me! However, something about 2022 feels like a…

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It’s a Lockhart Christmas 2021

December 30, 2021

The past week seems like it has been busy, yet also simultaneously relaxing and rejuvenating. Christmas came and went as quickly as it always does, but this year, we had the biggest reason to soak up every moment of joy. This year was Arden’s second…

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Arden: One Year Home!

December 15, 2021

It’s December 15th, and that means Arden has officially been home for ONE WHOLE YEAR! I must say, what an incredible year it has been! On December 15th last year, after Arden had spent 230 days in the hospital (5 at the Royal Alexandra Hospital…

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My Husband Isn’t a “Hands On” Dad

December 13, 2021

I often get the comment from other women that Brodi is a very “hands on” dad. It’s meant as a compliment. It’s meant as a way of saying to me that I’m very lucky, because I have help. However, the sentiment is lost, because to…

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One Year Home for Arden is Coming Up…And I’m Feeling Two Truths

December 10, 2021

On December 15th last year, after I had spent 236 days in Edmonton, we brought our sweet Arden home. As we inch closer to that date, I’m feeling a wide range of emotions, and in the safety of our home and community, I’m allowing that…

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Quick Update: Arden’s Ptosis Surgery is Coming Soon

December 8, 2021

While we were in Edmonton last week, Arden had a consultation with the ophthalmologist, and it was decided that he will require surgery to correct his ptosis (Ptosis: drooping of the upper eyelid due to a congenital condition).  We knew this procedure was likely coming,…

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November ’21 Trip to Edmonton

December 1, 2021

This weekend we took a five day trip to Edmonton, and although the trip was planned primarily for Arden’s medical appointments, we tried to make it a relaxing and enjoyable time for our family.  On Thursday night we drove down from Grande Prairie after Brodi…

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Small Home Living with a Medically Complex Toddler

November 13, 2021

Over the past year, our house has become a lot more crowded. We live in a small home to begin with, and filling our space with Arden’s equipment and toys definitely causes us to live in closer quarters. But I wouldn’t change that for anything.…

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