Quick Update: Arden’s Ptosis Surgery is Coming Soon

December 8, 2021

While we were in Edmonton last week, Arden had a consultation with the ophthalmologist, and it was decided that he will require surgery to correct his ptosis (Ptosis: drooping of the upper eyelid due to a congenital condition). 

We knew this procedure was likely coming, and for a little while, I struggled with it. It was tough thinking that they wanted to do a surgery that would change the appearance of my baby’s face. After all, he is OURS and WE think he’s absolutely PERFECT as is. I told Brodi that if the ophthalmologist said that the procedure would be strictly for cosmetic reasons, that I didn’t think we should do it. If the doctor said that the procedure would help Arden see, then we would agree to it. 

In Arden’s case, the ptosis makes it so that part of his pupils are covered, and makes it hard for him to see without cocking his head upward at times. He learned fairly functional head control at a young age, because he needed it in order to see the world around him. When sitting, Arden often has to throw his head back/up to see people who are standing in the room. It works for him, but it also puts him off balance. He sits on his own, but his vision impairment makes it so that every so often, he’ll topple over without warning. 

When Arden was in the hospital, and on many occasions that we’ve visited since, nurses and doctors say, “Oh Arden! You look so sleepy today!” After a while, we just started smiling and nodding instead of correcting them by saying, “He’s not sleepy, he has ptosis!” (haha). Arden is wide awake at most times, and he’s a wild toddler who really just wants to take on his world!

This week I got the call that Arden’s eyelid surgery will take place on February 3rd, 2022. As much as I would like to have it over and done with, I am so glad that we can take it easy during the holidays and enjoy our rest, relaxation and family time. 

After wrestling with the idea of permanently changing our baby’s face, I have come to decide that it will be the best thing for him. Our little “Nosy” as Grandpa Lockhart calls him, will be delighted to see the full world around him in all its glory. And we’ll be delighted to see those big beautiful eyes of his! (They’re turning brown, by the way). 

XO, Rayel


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