April has me Looking Back

April 7, 2021

Our sweet boy will turn one one April 29th, and this month has me reminiscing a lot.

Last year around this time, we were at home. The world had just shut down, Brodi’s work was closed for the time being, I had just started maternity leave, and we were enjoying our time at home. Just the two of us, preparing to welcome our little one in a few weeks.

11 days after these photos were taken, we left for Edmonton in a hurry, after being told that our baby needed more tests. We were told, “Pack a bag like your’e staying for a few days.” We didn’t know what to expect.

That was the last time I would be home until December 15, 2020. I didn’t set foot in our home for the next 237 days.

Now that tiny, 5lb baby that I was carrying is home, and thriving. Things didn’t turn out quite the way we expected, but they’re even better. This past year we’ve grown, laughed, cried, hoped, and witness miracles.

I can’t wait to see where we are one year from now!

XO, Rayel


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