Life as a medical mom, personal style, thrifting, plants, and family.

Real Life, Lockhart Style

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Meet Rayel...

In April 2020, I became a mother to our sweet son, Arden. Though medical motherhood and disability parenting hasn't been easy, it has given me a sense of confidence and pushed me to share the real me with the world. I love being creative, sharing my outfits and inspiration, decorating my home for real life, and talking about our trials and tribulations as parents of a wonderfully made, medically complex little boy.

Our Little Family: Rayel, Brodi, & Arden

The Lockharts live on an acreage in Northern Alberta, Canada. Brodi works outside the home as a physiotherapist, and Rayel is a teacher, but is currently full-time caregiver and stay-at-home-mom for Arden.

I believe that every day that we are here should be celebrated and cherished. I strive to live a simple life filled with everything that creates happiness and fulfillment for me. Life comes with hardships, but every challenge presents us with an opportunity to grow and persevere. The universe never gives us more than we can handle. All seasons of life are important. It's up to you to see the beauty in every moment.


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The Day Arden was Born

April 27, 2021

*Note: This post talks about one of the most intense, emotional days that our family has, and quite possibly, will ever, experience. There is trauma as well as joy embedded here, but it is an important part of our story. One day, when our sweet…

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Memories of April 23, 2020

April 23, 2021

Continued from previous post here… On April 23, my ultrasound appointment at the Maternal Fetal Medicine clinic in the Royal Alexandra Hospital was scheduled for 11:30AM. Brodi and I arrived early, making sure that we would have time to find parking. Due to covid protocols,…

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The Day we Left for Edmonton

April 22, 2021

On April 22 of last year, Brodi drove me to town because I had a doctor’s appointment for a baby checkup.  We were both off of work at the time.  I had started maternity leave at 36 weeks pregnant, and Brodi’s physio clinic had been…

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TV Corner Unit Project

April 19, 2021

About a month ago Brodi built us a new corner unit for our TV and we’ve been absolutely loving it! We’ve been in this house since the summer of 2018, and when we moved in, we brought an entertainment unit with us. We had used…

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Power Outage & Northern Lights

This weekend we had our first full power outage with Arden at home.  There are definitely big considerations when this happens, because Arden’s ventilator and oxygen need to be operating 24/7. Luckily, his vent and portable suction machine can run on battery power for quite…

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Sunny Days Are Upon Us

April 16, 2021

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Our Magical Visit to the Greenhouse

April 15, 2021

Yesterday while Brodi was at work, Arden and I had the most beautiful afternoon! I am so delighted that the weather is FINALLY warming up, and we’re able to spend some of our time outside. It really is such a mood changer to be able…

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Soak up the Good: Arden Update and a Little Inspiration

April 14, 2021

Arden & I outside yesterday, soaking up the good…

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Arden’s Respiratory Progress

April 10, 2021

Lately Arden… Lately Arden has been doing so well that our hearts are bursting with pride.  Last night as he was having a bath, I recalled the tiny little baby who cried every time he got a bath a mere six months ago. It was…

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April has me Looking Back

April 7, 2021

Our sweet boy will turn one one April 29th, and this month has me reminiscing a lot. Last year around this time, we were at home. The world had just shut down, Brodi’s work was closed for the time being, I had just started maternity…

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